Do you know what flocculation means? SPREE campers do! At SPREE’s Adventures Outside Summer Camps, we spent our week discovering the power of water. We started out learning about our watershed and the source of our water. We spent Tuesday building boats and locks and dams, then tested them out and explored the South Platte River and Cherry Creek.
On Wednesday, we built model water treatment plants and learned from our guest speakers how Denver Water operates. On Thursday, we turned our focus to wastewater and played a game to learn about the municipal water cycle. Later, we used recycled materials to invent ways to reuse water. Our special guest from the Littleton/Englewood Wastewater Treatment Plant told us all about the plant and how it works.
We closed our week learning about hydroelectric power and fish ladders, then created inventions inspired by water wheels. We also had fun creating a geyser and making clay models of the earth to learn about hot springs and geothermal power.