Destiny is one of our awesome returning Summer River Rangers! She is a Colorado Native, born here in Denver. As a profession, she wants to be a lawyer, while working with programs similar to SPREE in the summers. Her favorite age range to teach is 8-10 years old. In her free time, she loves growing plants, mainly succulents. She loves the succulent’s beauty, how it is unique and gorgeous, but not in the way we might think of flowers. Destiny also loves pizza, especially pizza with stuffed crust from Pizza Hut. As a life goal, she wants to buy a house and remodel it so she can customize everything exactly how she wants. Destiny is very proud of the work she did with the SPREE program last summer and is excited to continue growing this summer! One of her favorite memories from last summer is when a camper told her how grateful they were to be learning about the environment through her lessons. Destiny said this made her very proud, and it was rewarding to see her hard work pay off in the mindset and awareness of her campers. Along the same lines, she hopes to continue teaching the next generation about how they can make a positive difference through their role in the environment. Destiny specifically wants to provide kids with tangible ways to make environmental changes from a young age. SPREE is so lucky to have Destiny for another summer, and we’re looking forward to finding out what her favorite memory will be from this summer!
This is such an amazing way to spend the Summer. I understand that it would cost a couple hundred of bucks, but it is worth it. If we can use our time to build memories and experiences for ourselves, then we should definitely do that. I understand that it can be difficult, but believe me, it is better than not doing anything at all. We should all try the things that we have always wanted to do, that is my wish.
You sure is so lucky having Destiny. She’s still young and have a clear vision of her future not just for her but for the future generations.