Our SPREE summer campers always love “Things with Wings” week! Each day celebrates and explores a new type of winged creature.
On Monday, our theme was bats. Campers learned all about bats, their life cycle, diet, and cool adaptations!
Tuesday’s focus was flying insects. We learned about aquatic macroinvertebrates (insects who start their life cycle in the water), predator insects like lady bugs and preying mantises, and about butterflies and moths! We wrapped up our day with an insect hunt to see how many winged creatures we could find right around camp.
On Monday, our theme was bats. Campers learned all about bats, their life cycle, diet, and cool adaptations!
Tuesday’s focus was flying insects. We learned about aquatic macroinvertebrates (insects who start their life cycle in the water), predator insects like lady bugs and preying mantises, and about butterflies and moths! We wrapped up our day with an insect hunt to see how many winged creatures we could find right around camp.
Wednesday’s theme was bees and pollinators. We learned about bee adaptations through a dress up, did a bee craft, and went on a pollinator scavenger hunt!
Birds were the focus of Thursday. We learned about wings and feathers, their different feet and beak adaptations, and even got to solve a mystery based on bird tracks.
Friday was raptor day! We dissected owl pellets, learned about the special adaptations of raptors, and even got to meet some raptors!
Birds were the focus of Thursday. We learned about wings and feathers, their different feet and beak adaptations, and even got to solve a mystery based on bird tracks.
Friday was raptor day! We dissected owl pellets, learned about the special adaptations of raptors, and even got to meet some raptors!