On Monday we traveled over 65 million years ago to the time of the dinosaurs. We mapped out how long ago that was on a timeline, we uncovered a hidden fossil in the Johnson-Habitat Park archaeological site, and we even found some clams that have been around since before the dinos even roamed through Colorado. This Dino-mite day was a huge success.
On Tuesday with the help of some special guests from the Colorado History museum we time traveled to a more recent era where the first humans roamed on our plains. We learned so much from our guests about the Ute people, their languages, technologies, and incredible histories. As we acknowledged our land and water we gave thanks to the first stewards of the land and celebrated by playing in the sprinkler for the afternoon.
On Wednesday we continued our time trip forward in time to learn more about how the natives entertained themselves with their resources. We played some old games and wove small bowls like they would have done baskets. At critter crawl we even talked about native fishing techniques.
On Thursday we had a cloudy field where we played many fun games from the times of Native Americans, gold rush pioneers, and even animals! We got a little rained out but the storm cleared just in time to have a great whole group critter crawl where we all got to share the best critter crawling techniques.
On Friday we jumped in our time machines for the last time this week and traveled to 1858, the year of the Colorado Gold Rush! We learned about historical floods, panned for gold, and all got to experience what it might have been like to strike it rich in the 19th century. Then at graduation we all hopped out of our excellent time machines and came back together in the 21st century for some celebration of our week at camp.