SPREE Camp Explores the River’s Creepy Crawlies
On Monday we got our first mission from Chompers to face our fears about some misunderstood animals that live in our state. We all learned about myths of some ‘scary’ animals and where these myths might have come from. We faced our fears in the river as we caught critters like leeches and crawdad and blood-worms, oh my!
On Tuesday we were visited by some scary, scaly, special guests! Our friends from Nature’s Educators brought amazing rehabilitated snakes for our campers to view and ask questions about. We learned so much about native snakes, why they might seem scary but how cool they actually are! We even got to see a wild river snake at critter crawl too!
On Wednesday we learned all about how animals use their senses to best help them at different times of day. Some animals like bats need to rely on their senses of hearing and smell to navigate their way through the night sky. Then we played some games to learn the differences between poison and venom. Thankfully, none of the many critters we caught at critter crawl are neither poisonous nor venomous.
On Thursday we had a hot and fun field day where we challenged ourselves to learn and play as some scary animals that adapt to their surroundings like dragonflies, leeches, and snakes! Over and through the obstacle course we worked together and shared so many great moments. Then we all went together to Critter Crawl and found the most critters all week!
On Friday we dressed up as grasshoppers to learn all about adaptation and then inside we learned about how different cultures eat them! We talked all about how much water it takes to produce the normal and abnormal food we eat. Then at graduation we all celebrated the great time we had at camp this week, all the new friends we made, and fears we faced!