In December The Greenway Leadership Corps headed up to CSU’s Environmental learning Center for our annual visit. During these visits we learn a new skill as well as get an opportunity to ask questions about college.

This year for our skill we learned how to orienteer. We learned how to calculate our pace by counting every time we would step with our left leg until we got to the end of a measuring tape. Then we used that pace along with our compass to get us all the way back to the parking lot. This was challenging because sometimes there was obstacles in our way and we had to go around them. However we eventually got back and felt more confident using our compass.
Once we got back we were able to take a look at more maps and ask questions about college. we got great insight as to what the orientation process looked like and what a normal day of college was like. We learned how to choose what classes to take and how to know what classes would be required.

Lastly, we headed over to the CSU campus where we ate lunch and had time to explore the buildings and sit in a college auditorium. This trip was perfect not only to grow my skill set but to feel more prepared and confident going into college.