In 1976, the PRDC evolves into The Greenway Foundation (TGF), a 501(c)3 non-profit focused on stewarding public and private contributions towards TGF’s mission to revitalize, restore, and reclaim the South Platte River. The vision is an environmental, recreational, cultural, scientific, and historical amenity for the City of Denver and its citizens.
Confluence Park Opens
Denver celebrates a new era for the river as the initial Confluence Park is completed.
Reclaiming the River
In 1974, Denver Mayor Bill McNichols appoints State Senator Joe Shoemaker as Chairman of the Platte River Development Committee (PRDC), charged with initiating the reclamation of the South Platte River.
1,000 Year Flood
On June 16, 1965, fourteen inches of rain falls in just over four hours, sending a torrent of water down the South Platte River through the heart of Denver. Homes, bridges, and businesses are destroyed and washed away in the most devastating natural disaster in Denver’s history. The city is left in destruction and debris. Over 20 Denver residents lose their life.