Travel through Denver’s History
The Third Grade SPREE excursion takes place at Confluence Park in Downtown Denver. This excursion is an exploration of the birthplace of Denver at the confluence of the South Platte River and the Cherry Creek. During the morning, students rotate through stations where they relive different parts of Denver’s history leading up to the flood in 1864. During the afternoon, students learn about more modern Denver history as it relates to the South Platte River and complete a small environmental service project.
Arapaho/Cheyenne Sensory Exploration, The Moving of Montana City, Flood of 1864, Mount Trashmore, Park Clean-up
Colorado Academic Standards
Social Studies 1.2 a-c, 2.1 d 2.2 b; Science 2.2 a, 3.1, 3.2 a
Location: Confluence Park
Confluence Park is located west of the intersection of 15th St. and Little Raven St. in Downtown Denver at 2200 15th St, Denver, CO, 80202. Buses should drop off on the west side of Little Raven St., just south of 15th St.
Please print a map for your bus driver.
Time Schedule
The 3rd grade excursion starts at 9:30 am and runs until 1:00 pm. We usually eat lunch between 11:00 am and 11:30 am.
What to Bring
Students and adults should be prepared to be outside in any type of weather.
Everyone should pack:
- a water bottle (there is no running water at the park)
- sack lunch
- sun screen
- hat
- extra pair of shoes that can get wet
- extra socks
- a small towel
- layers of clothing to be prepared for changes in the weather
Teachers should also bring a first aid kit, extra food and water, hand sanitizer, a cell phone, and one adult chaperone for every ten students.
What to Expect
This SPREE excursion involves a bit of walking and an opportunity for students to get their feet wet. Students should bring extra shoes and socks to change into after the morning activities. Teachers should come prepared to spend the day walking around on various trails. SPREE teachers will provide all of the instruction and all materials needed for the excursion. Students will also be broken into smaller groups to rotate through activities.
What SPREE Expects From You
Teachers and chaperones are also expected to model appropriate behavior for students at all times including: listening politely to SPREE instructors while they are presenting information, staying to the right side of the trail when appropriate, and being excited about and engaged in all SPREE activities. Adults are also expected to help monitor student behavior throughout the day.
For more information contact .